Orange Cake
Winter does not have so many fruits but one of them can be ate in so many ways. Orange is used for almost everything and this cake is probably the best with its spongy texture… Since you will use all the orange for the recipe, you should select organic ones so they do not have pesticides on their skin. The icing and design part is an update I made in december 2020 when I made this cake in a circle baking pan with a nice design for New Year’s eve.
Ingredients for the cake:
- 2 oranges
- 2 eggs
- 150 g butter
- 150 g sugar
- 115 g flour
- 115 g icing sugar
- 11 g baking powder
Ingredients for the icing & design:
- 1 clementine
- 1 egg white
- 200 g icing sugar
- 1 tablespoon almonds
- 2 tablespoons flaked almonds
- 2 small rosemary branches
Recipe for the cake:
Preheat the oven at 356°F (180°C). Cut a piece of greaseproof paper to place at the bottom of your baking pan and grease the borders. Zest your oranges and squeeze one. Melt the butter in a saucepan. When it is liquid, pour it in a mixing bowl and add the sugar. Mix and add the orange juice with 3/4 of the zests, then, the eggs. Add the flour, the baking powder and mix again. Pour the dough in your baking pan and bake for 40 minutes in the oven. Cut in two parts the second orange and cut one slice from it in 4 parts to place as decoration on your cake while baking (place it at mid-time as topping). Remove from the oven when it is cooked but do not remove from the pan immediately. Squeeze the second orange and put the juice in a saucepan with the icing sugar and the zests kept. Place on the burner at medium high temperature while mixing with a whisk until the liquid creates bubbles. With a brush, apply the icing on the cake generously. Wait at least 15 minutes before removing from the baking pan carefully.
Recipe for the icing & design:
Your cake has to be totally cold if you want to decorate it, so wait at least 3h before doing this part. Using a spatula, combine the egg white with the sieved icing sugar. Cut the clementine in 2 parts and press one part on the icing sugar and combine. Pour the icing on top of the cake and let it rest at least 2h. During this time, cut 2 small branches of rosemary, wash them and dry them. Cut the remained half clementine in 3 slices. Crush the almonds in a mortar. Grill the flaked almonds in a pan at medium temperature (it has to be just golden). When the 2h are over, place your decoration like this on the cake: first the 3 clementine slices in the middle of the cake, then, the rosemary branches around them on the external border (you can cut them in 2 parts each, it will be easier to arrange), the flaked grilled almonds around the rosemary and finally, the crushed almonds around and over. Your cake is ready to be served!