Gnocchis & Pistou
I really enjoy Italian recipes and those homemade gnocchis are so good that I will probably never buy some already prepared anymore! This recipe is for 4 people or 2 very hungry as we were when we made them…
Ingredients for the Gnocchis:
- 500 g potatoes
- 200 g flour T45
- 1 egg
- 25 g butter
- 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 pinch grounded nutmeg
- 1 pinch salt
- 1 pinch black pepper
Ingredients for the Pistou Sauce:
- A large amount of basil leaves
- 2 garlic cloves
- 10 tablespoons olive oil
- 5 tablespoons grounded parmesan cheese
- 1 pinch salt
For the gnocchis, wash your potatoes if they are very small and that you want to eat the skin or peel them. Put them in a sauce pan with a large amount of water and place it on the burner. Make it boil, then, reduce the heat and let cook for 20 minutes. Then, remove the water and add the butter. Using a potatoe masher, mash them. In a mixing bowl, mix together the egg with olive oil, nutmeg, salt and black pepper. Add the masshed potatoes, then, the flour and mix with a fork, then, combine the dough with your hands. Form a ball and cut it in 4 parts. Roll each part on the kitchen counter (without adding more flour) in sausage shape 1 cm high. Cut the dough sausages in small parts (2 cm large) and shape them in gnocchis with a fork.
Pour a large amount of water in a big sauce pan and make it boil on the burner. When the water is boiling, add the gnocchis and let cook until they all come out to the surface. Remove them from the water and place them into plates.
For the sauce, peel the garlic and put it in your blender with the other ingredients for the sauce and mix. Pour the sauce on top of your gnocchis on your plates and spread some more parmesan grounded cheese on top. Serve.