Since I have seen Pavlova pictures on Instagram, I really wanted to make this Italian dessert! So, when I realised I had all the ingredients at home to prepare some, I couldn’t resist to realise one. Here is my recipe for a small Pavlova for 4 people. I made it with strawberries but you can also use raspberries, blackberries and blueberries.
- 2 egg whites
- 100 g sugar
- 6 g corn starch
- 8 cl single cream
- 10 g icing sugar
- 2 drops liquid vanilla extract
- 7-10 strawberries
- 5 mint leaves
Preheat the oven at 95°C. Cover a baking tray with baking paper. In a mixing bowl, using an electric whisk, beat the egg whites until stiff with sugar and corn starch. Delicately pour the preparation in a pastry bag, then, create a 20cm circle shape meringue on the baking tray: working from the center, spread mixture toward the outside edge, building edge slightly. This should leave a slight depression in the center. Bake for 2h15, then, let it in the oven for 1h after turning off. Remove from the oven and reserve. Mix 2 strawberries in a blender to create a coulis and reserve. In a mixing bowl, using an electric whisk, beat the single cream with vanilla extract and icing sugar until it create whipped cream. Crack the top of the meringue and using a kitchen blow torch, grill the inside. Then, cut 2 strawberries and place them inside. Pour the whipped cream in a pastry bag, then, fill the center of the meringue with it. Cut the other strawberries and add them to the top of the whipped cream, then, pour some strawberry coulis all over the Pavlova. Place some mint leaves between the strawberries, dust icing sugar on top and serve.