Legal Mentions

This website belongs to Bake Eat. site is hosted by OVH. Their servers are located in France in Clermont-Ferrand, you can learn more about them by visiting their website.

Texts, images and pictures are Bake Eat exclusive property and its right holders – exception other mention – and are not copyright free.

 The author reserves the right to remove a part or the entire content in accordance with the article of law L. 121-4 from the intellectual property code. user recognize to have the required proficiency and means to reach and use this website. He/She also recognize that he/she verified that the computing configuration used does not include any virus and that it is in perfect working order. Finally, the user recognize to have read this legal notice and agree to respect it.

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The user has an access right to modifiy, to rectify and to remove the data related to him/her (article 38 and following from the law “Compunting and Liberties”). To exert a hold over it, the user can contact the website owner.

The words used and wrote in articles and comments only campaign their authors’s responsibility.

All reproduction or representation total or partial of this website (images, pictures and texts) by any method, without the webstie owner’s autorization or its legal representants is prohibited and would establish a counterfeit punished by the articles of law L335-2 and following form the Intellectual Property Code.

Data bases appearing on the website are protected by the 11th of July 1998 law measures supporting transposition in the Intellectual Property Code (CPI) from the European directive from the 11th of March 1996 related to the legal data bases protection. This website data bases content, substantial quantitatively or qualitatively extraction and reuse is prohibited. All transgressor exposes himself/herself to concerned sanctions in the law articles L343-1 and following from the Intellectual Property Code.

Brands displayed on this website and the ones of its partners, as well as logos appearing on the website are brands (semi-figurative or not) and are filed. All reproduction, total or partial,  of those brands and logos made with elements from this website without the website legal representants’ permission is prohibited, as noticed in the law articles L713-2 and following from the Intellectual Property Code. RSS feed are exclusively meant for the website’s visitors for a personnal use and may not be used to supply any other websties without the website owner’s permission.